Friday, August 17, 2012

Joshua's Birth Story.

alright, i wrote this some time ago and i talk about Joshua all the time so i'd just like to post it. :] so here it is. :]]

January 23, 2012
My dear baby boy,
            It’s almost two years since you’ve been born and I’ve been a little more than busy.
            You’ve already lived with Grandma and Grandpa Colburn. With mommy and daddy in our studio apartment in Cedar and then with just mommy at that apartment after daddy left for basic training. Then you lived with Grandma Bailey and all of your uncles and your aunt Cassie. And now little man you are living in Florida. It’s the furthest that mommy has ever lived away from Michigan as well.
            But I’ve been going through memory boxes and journals that I tried to keep while I was pregnant with you and realized I didn’t have this very special story documented anywhere and I want you to have it. So, while you’re sleeping the night away I’ve visited my memory lane and cried a little bit as I wrote this for you.
            I hope that one day you’ll realize how special this is. J I love you my perfect little man. <3

            Love always,

Joshua’s birth story

            On August 2nd I had my last appointment with Dr. Grey. This was your due date, but I guess you didn’t get the memo. I was still only dilated to 1 and you were very comfortable with no sign of coming soon.
            After checking to see how far I was dilated Dr. Grey told me that if you weren’t out by the 10th she’d get you out. The only reason I remember 10 is because that number, in this situation, scare the hell out of me. She wanted to leave you inside me for another 8 days…count them 1, 2, 3, 4…EIGHT more very LONG DAYS! I couldn’t do it…
            I’m not exactly sure what happened next or why Dr. Grey ordered the ultrasound, but I was very grateful. Seeing you in my belly, your perfect face and fingers and toes made waiting for you that much easier. I wasn’t so scared anymore. I knew you were safe when you were inside me. A lot of people told me that once I had you the protective instinct would kick in but I guess mine was in overdrive. They also told me that giving birth was like letting part or your being walk around outside of you and I have to say that’s exactly what it’s like and I think I knew that in some way before I had you. I wasn’t ready for that kind of responsibility, or I didn’t think I was.
            The tech for the day, Paige, measured you and gave us the lucky numbers with all her training and equipment she told us that you would weigh somewhere in the ball park of 8lbs7oz. Later we would find that these numbers are not always right. :/
            You’re daddy and I knew you would be big but we had no idea you would be that big. On our way home from the appointment we went shopping to buy you an outfit to come home from the hospital in. Because you were born in one of the hottest Augusts Michigan has ever seen we decided on a really cute blue jump suit. Then after shopping we went back home, to Grandma Bailey’s house, so that I could soak my feet and try to get some of the swelling to go down.
I guess the estimated weight that Paige gave us concerned Dr. Grey. It was later that night that I got a call from her office.
“Marisa, Dr. Grey would like to start inducing you on the 4th, if that’s possible.” I was overwhelmed with emotions. For months I’d been trying to talk you into coming out early but with the time at hand…the thought of you scared me. I wanted so badly to hold you but then again, life wasn’t easy and it showed no signs of being so.
“That is very possible.” The only answer I had to give to the woman on the other end of the phone line.
The details are a blur and the paper I wrote everything down on is long gone by now, though I tried to save everything.
I remember that I had to be at the hospital at 6pm to fill out paper work and my nurse’s name was supposed to be Michelle, I have no idea why I remember her name. lol.
Anyway, you threw a few wrenches in your daddy’s schedule but he worked everything around you.

The 3rd went by very slow. I had finished packing and was ready to go. I spent that day with your aunt Cassie. Your grandma had to work and your uncles were off doing whatever it is that boys do outside on a summer day.

Then the 4th J
I thought for sure that this would be the day. Your Great Grandma Wellman had a surprise birthday party on the 6th that I so wanted to take you to.
            So we had to wait until 6pm to be at the hospital so daddy and I spent the whole day together. We went and picked up a few things for you and finished his packing for our time at the hospital. It was really great to have that afternoon to spend with him, knowing that we wouldn’t have much alone time once you arrived. J
            We had to go back to Grandma Bailey’s house to get our bags before we could leave for the hospital. And when we got to the house, everyone wanted pictures. My last pictures of you in my belly I look pissed because at the time I didn’t want anything to do with your Grandma and she was in my face yet again.
            Daddy and I left as soon as we got the chance. Once we were on the road with all of our things we realized that we left for the hospital much too early. We had time to stop and have dinner and chose Taco Bell in Cedar Springs. I didn’t know it then but this would be the last thing I’d eat until the afternoon of the 6th.
            Just as daddy and I were leaving Taco Bell Aunt Cassie and Aunt Bee pulled into the drive through a saw us, it seemed they had the same idea about dinner before heading to the hospital to wait your arrival. We waited with them while they ate their dinner.
Just shortly after Aunt Cassie and Aunt Bee showed up Grandma Bailey, Uncle Alex, Uncle Stephen, and I think Uncle Johnny all pulled up to us. They had spotted us on their way to the high way. Everyone was headed for Grandpa Bailey’s house to wait for you to come; he lived only 2 miles from the hospital where you were born.
So Grandma got a few more pictures and then they headed to Grand Rapids (GR). While Aunt Cassie and Aunt Bee decided to wait for us and follow us to the hospital.
I called the hospital now to check in and make sure that everything was still on schedule as they asked me to do. Things were so not on schedule. I was pushed two hours back. We didn’t have anything to do or anywhere really to go. I believe we went to Meijer’s and walked around for a while and looked at some more really cute things for you. J
We headed for GR. A little too fast, we lost Aunt Cassie and Aunt Bee twice and they didn’t know where they were going. We were all laughing so hard by the time we got the hospital that our bellies hurt. J
Your Grandma Bailey met us at the hospital because…well I didn’t know how things worked. I was only 17 when I had you and thus not a legal adult. I didn’t know if I needed an adult signature or not. I found out that as your mother, I had full say of what went on and my mother had no say. This pissed your Grandma off bad. She stayed with us as we were taken to our room.
By 8:04pm I was in the delivery room that you would be born in and changed into the gown and got settled on the bed. They hooked up monitors on my belly. The pink was for contractions and the blue was for your heart. J
Already Grandma and Aunt Cassie were fighting and the nurse had to ask them to either leave the room or stop talking. Your Grandma left. She actually left the hospital and texted me that she wasn’t coming back until you were born.
I was too busy worrying about you and having fun talking to Aunt Cassie, Aunt Bee, and your daddy to worry about Grandma’s drama. So we all decided to ignore her for the night. The Dr. started meds to get the ball rolling and we began the waiting game.
That night Aunt Cassie and Aunt Bee went back to Grandma Bailey’s house to sleep and daddy and I were left alone. No real contractions started. I slept pretty soundly that night. J

THE 5th
This day was the longest of them all. I had very mild contractions in the morning and took them in stride. By afternoon when Aunt Cassie and Aunt Bee showed up after their day at school the contractions were getting much worse. The ball was definitely rolling.
More times than I can count Aunt Cassie was crying with me. She didn’t like to see me in pain and your daddy was so sweet always getting me ice chips and holding my hand. I have to guess that it was around 6 or 7 that the Dr. came in and broke my water. They had just checked me and found that I was 5 or 6cm dilated and ready to push but my water still hadn’t broken. You were fully engaged and ready to deliver but when the Doc broke my water you floated right back up. I had to push for at least an hour to hour and a half before the doctor told me to just wait you out and let you fall back into place.
Now the contractions were horrible! I was passing out between contractions and not even opening my eyes for them anymore. You dad woke me up to ask if I wanted any meds and I told him no three times. At around 9 or 10pm I finally asked for an epidural and cried when I did. I tried so hard to have a natural child birth but I couldn’t do it.
After I received the epidural I fell asleep as did Aunt Cassie, Aunt Bee and Daddy. Everyone claims that the nurse that got things ready for your delivery was very loud but I honestly didn’t hear a thing. J

THE 6th
At 3:30am on August 6th the Dr.’s and nurses decided it was time for me to push you out. J Your daddy hadn’t slept well the last two nights and wasn’t sleeping well that night either and was very hard to wake up. I tried to be nice, because I wanted him to be in a good mood to help me. But he wasn’t hearing me so a really bitchy nurse, the one that held my left foot, yelled at him to wake him up. :/
At this point Aunt Cassie and Aunt Bee each gave me a kiss and went to stand in the hall with your Grandma and Grandpa Bailey and three uncles. Your Daddy and I decided while making my birth plan that we wanted to be the only two people in the room when you were born, minus doctors of course. And we also took the first hour after you were born to enjoy you just as our little family. This caused a LOT of problems with my family. :/ ugh.

So I started the very real, painful, and horrible experience of giving birth to you.
I had been pushing for about an hour when the Dr. asked me if I’d rather have a C-section. If I wasn’t so tired I’m sure I would have been pissed about this suggestion, I mean after all I’d been through she just wanted to cut me open. Oh no! But I wasn’t really awake at this point. I was very tired and just ready to have you already. “No, I’ve made it this far, let’s just finish it.” Little did I know that the Dr. asking me this was her way of telling me that you were too big for me to deliver on my own.
After making the uneducated choice to deliver you vaginally the Dr.’s then assisted with a ‘vacuum’ on the top of your head to help pull you out as I pushed. I was very proud of myself during your birth, I screamed two times. Once when your head was delivered and once again when your shoulders came out. Joshua, I ended up with twenty some, very painful, stitches because of you. J

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, your dad almost puked on me while all of this was going on. J I’m not sure what time this was…I know you were crowning, ready to come out when your Dad says, “I have to use the bathroom.” The doctor and I both looked at him like he was crazy. I asked him, “Can’t you wait?” and he started to cry. The doctor flat told him he’d have to hold it. He went on to quickly explain that he was going to be sick. At that moment he was instructed to sit in the chair across the room and put his head between his knees. He watched you being born from across the room, but gained the strength back in his legs enough to come back over and cute the cord. J
Anyway, once you were born…your Daddy still looked a little green. J But he was so proud of you. He just glowed as he watched the nurse whip you off and put your first diaper on. She raped you up and handed you to your daddy. J He turned to look at me with the biggest smile I’d ever seen on his face and tears falling down his cheeks. He walked over to me so I could see you and I kissed you. He was instructed to go sit down with you so that he didn’t fall or get in the way of the clean-up.
After I was all cleaned up and the Dr.’s all left I nursed you for the first time, with a little help from the nurse that stayed. J Your Daddy and I spent the next hour with you, just us, as we wanted to.
While daddy and I had you to ourselves we had a nurse tell your grandparents and aunt and uncles to wait outside until we switched rooms. They did wait. They left the hospital, Joshua, and Grandma and Aunt Cassie would be the only two from my family to come and see you.

But we weren’t concerned with that just then. We were too busy falling in love with our sweet 9lbs7oz, 21¼ in long baby boy that was born at 6:48am on August 6th. <3

The Stay at the Hospital was LONG!
There was a lot of fighting just after you were born. Daddy and I tried to ignore it and just be happy to have you but it got way too hard.
Your Grandpa Bailey and Uncles never came to see you in the hospital. I never got the chance to call anyone really to announce that you were born because my mother was taking up so much of my time.
Grandma and Aunt Cassie were the only two people from my family to come and see you while you were in the hospital. And Grandma left mad. She later kicked me, us, out of the house, told me that I needed to find a new place to stay because I wasn’t welcomed there.

On a happy note…
·         Mike and Teresa Botma came to see you. J They brought us a mini basketball hoop so we could play while you slept; it was mostly for your Daddy so he didn’t get bored. J They also took your Daddy out for dinner at…some really nice place, I don’t remember the name. But Daddy brought me back some really good cheese cake. J I might add that you had your first dirty diaper while your Daddy was gone so Mommy had to change you. :P
·         The Pastor of Pierson Bible Church, Pastor Thomas Sluys, came and blessed you. He wasn’t our favorite person but we were happy that he decided to come and see you anyway. :P
·         Aunt Bee was there almost every night we were there. J She was there when I got the text message from your Grandma about me not being able to live there anymore. We almost moved in with Aunt Bee. :/
·         Grandma and Grandpa Colburn and Aunt Tabbi came to see you. J Aunt Naomi and Aunt Lydia would have but they were still in PA with Great Granddad and Grandma Colburn.
That’s it. :/ sad right? I know.
Oh yes, and you spent two nights in the nursery. :/ not because I wanted you to but because you had to be under a Billie light for your jaundice. Your jaundice was the normal jaundice though; you got it because of the bruise the vacuum left on the top of your head. The bruise was breaking down faster than your body could process the blood and other particles, giving you jaundice. I have to admit when I first saw you in that bed, under the light, with that little mask over your eyes, I cried. I can’t explain why I did but it broke my heart to see you there. I also have to tell you that I didn’t sleep at all those two nights you were in the nursery. I hated you being away from me. I was in the nursery every two hours to feed you and hold you. You’re daddy got up with me once to come and see you in the night, after that he was out and wasn’t waking up. J
Funny story…in the bed next to you while you were in the nursery was a baby that was born a month premature, this isn’t the funny part. This baby weighed 4lbs2oz and was only 17in long. Yup you were a darn two year old compared to that new born. J

Anyway, after our week long stay in the hospital daddy and I were very excited to be leaving. Although it took us an extra hour to get home, I’ve never seen your daddy drive so carefully. J We made it back to my mother’s house to pick up a few of my things and what we had for you. And headed to Grandma and Grandpa Colburn’s house were we lived with Daddy until October. J

We love you Joshua David…and always will. <3

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